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New! Climbing the Warrier SE ridge, up the Armory range.
New! Boating Milford sound, Waikaia, and the final ski tour of the season
New! Amazing week climbing and skiing in Mount Cook National Park. Mt Tasman and Symphony on Skis!
New! Exploring Mt Hutton, near Tekapo.
New! Relaxing birthday tramping from Porter's Pass.
New! Winter climbing a new route at Mt Speight, near Arthur's pass.
New! Ski-touring up the Otira valley.
New! Ski-touring to Kelman hut at the top of the Tasman Glacier, near Mt Cook.
New! Tramping to Crooked Spur hut
New! Kayaking the Styx and Toaroha waterfall
New! Ski-touring Muller hut to Barron Saddle hut near Mt Cook.
Tramping the Inland Pack Track on the West coast
Clipping a few bolts at Barnett Park
Awesome climbing at Twin Stream, near Mt Cook.
Climbing at Fantasy Factory, near Diamond harbour
WWCC club trip to the Whataroa, and canyoning Carew creek
Biking from Oamaru to Queenstown.
More tramping around Mt Cook. One day we'll get to the top of something.
Climbing at Holmes bay. Like a 1% scale model of Yosemite.
Boating on the West Coast mit ze Germans
Boating on the West Coast and in Canterbury
A week cycling around Shikoku island in Japan
Another attempt to climb Mt Cook
A week skiing in the Cragieburns and off Mt Rolleston
Ice climbing at Wye creek, Queenstown
Steep snow climbing at Temple Buttress, Arthur's pass
Skiing to Mueller hut and Mt Annette
The Grey, Christchurch's closest whitewater
Scenic float down the Waimak gorge
Tramping around Aoraki Mt Cook
Awesome climb up Mt Aspiring's SW ridge
Climbing through The Gap in the Torlesse range
Camping tourist holiday in the Catlins
Another New Year's trip to Hokitika
Climbing at Charlston, and on West Coast Limestone at Punakaiki
Climbing at Holmes Bay, Banks Peninsula
Kayaking down south--Cleddau, Hollyford, Shotover, Waikaia, Wilkin, Turnbull
Okuku, Rangitata, Hurunui, Lyttleton harbour in spring 2013
Climbing at Arapiles, near Melbourne
Skiing at Mt Herbert and at Foggy Peak
Kayaking Bowyer's stream at Mt Somers
Scrambling up the Remarkable Dykes near Mt Bradley
Easter kayaking on the West Coast
An awesome medium-high new year's trip to Hokitika
Price's gorge on the Whitcombe, also Kakapotahi and Styx
Climbing with Dad at Napes Needle and at Coudy Rocks
Tramping to Benmore Hut in the snow
Cycle touring on the Mawson Trail, South Australia. Also trail notes
Hil's parents' holiday--tramping the Dusky track and sea kayaking in Marlborough Canyoning the Toaroha, and the 2 day Whitcombe Exploring Doctor's creek, near Hokitika Real climbing at Charleston Macfarlane river--more steep mank near Haast. Also the Moeraki. Anatoki--the near-classic steep rocky run in Golden Bay Tramping in the sun in South Westland: up the Otoko, over the Solution range to Mark's Flat, down the Clarke, over into Zeilan Creek and back down the Moeraki Tramping to Carrington and Waimak Falls hutWhitcombe, Kakapotahi and Styx
Waikiti--an awesome new run near Greymouth
Tramping up the Crooked River and along the Lake Morgan Tops
New rivers on the West Coast, including the Haupiri
Kayaking and biking in Tasmania -- awesome whitewater on the Lea, Leven, Little Henty, and Broad
Upper Grey river, Christchurch's local steep creek
Mountain biking to Macauley hut near Tekapo
Sea paddling in Lyttleton Harbour
Sea paddling and SAR epic around Banks Peninsula
Another winter trip to the Rangitata
Sea paddling in Lyttleton Harbour, and cave stream
Winter weekend on the West Coast
Tramping in the Freyberg Range and Pell Stream
Tramping in the Arrowsmiths/Hakatere area
Mountain biking on the St James Cycle Trail
Tramping near Hokitika, escaping quake-hit Christchurch
Tramping up to the Klondyke tops and down Lake Stream in Victoria Forest park
Scenic multiday trip down the Clarence (with a flash-flood)
High-water west coast paddling--Nine Mile Slide, Blackball, Toaroha
Mountain biking around Queenstown
Doubtful-Hope Tramping over Labour Weekend
Skiing to Camp Stream Hut above Lake Tekapo
Short cycle-tour near Hanmer Springs
Low water in South Westland--Fox, Turnbull and Kakapotahi
Blackball Creek, Styx and Kakapotahi
East Hawden-Mt Valiant-Casey tramp
Playboating at Tekapo and ice-yaking on the Hooker river at Mt Cook
Club WW safety course on Maori gully
Extreme race on Citroen rapid on the Kawarau, and Nevis Bluff
Tramping over Waimakariri Pass
Paddling the Waitaha and inspecting the Edwards
Mountain biking up the Poulter valley, Arthur's pass
West coast: High flows on the Crooked, Styx, Kakapotahi, Bluebottle, Kennedy's, Kaniere, Blackball and Nine Mile Slide!!
Tramping up the Toaroha, Kokatahi and Styx
West coast heliboating: Arahura, Totara, Kakapotahi, Upper Hokitika, Whitcombe
Cycle tour through MacKenzie country
Epic ride from Worsley's to Anaconda in the Port Hills
Boating on the West Coast--Totara, Kakapotahi, Toaroha, Cave Stream
Griffin Creek-Rocky Creek circuit
More heli-skiing fieldwork at the Jollie
Cycle-touring in New Caledonia
Tramping and Sea Paddling with Hilary's parents
Australia Cycle Touring report--Wollemi National Park and Yengo National Park in the Blue Mountains
Crooked, Arahura and Upper Styx
Tramping up the Whitcombe, to Ivory Lake and down the Waitaha
Paddling around the North coast of Banks Peninsula
Murchison -- Matakitaki and Glenroy
Tramping from the Whitcombe to the Toaroha via Frew Saddle, Hokitika, Mungo, Toaroha Saddle
Heli-skiing at the Jollie again
More paddling at last: the Toaroha and the Kaniere, Bluebottle Creek, Kennedy's, Totara, Kakapotahi and Styx in a long weekend--good levels for a change!
Tramping to Edwards Hut and over Williams Saddle in the snow
Tramping up the Poulter Valley in Arthurs Pass
Mum's holiday in the South Island -- Skiing from Porters Pass, Tramping up the Whitcombe and in the Nelson Lakes and Sea Kayaking in the Marlborough Sounds
Backcountry Skiing at Mt Dobson
Backcountry Skiing in the Russel Range
Paddling in Murchison, Kellys Creek and Maruia falls
Paddling the Toaroha waterfall, Totara and Kakapotahi on the West Coast
Walking on St James Walkway in Lewis Pass and climbing Garnet Peak
Sea paddling around the South Coast of Banks Peninsula, Birdlings Flat to Akaroa
Tramping and climbing holiday with Ruth and Austin -- Three Passes tramp, climbing near Mt Aspiring, tramping up the Rock burn, Dunedin
Wet weekend on the West Coast -- Blackball Creek, Otira, Bluebottle Creek and Kennedy's Creek
Video and photos of the Ashley
Road-biking to Akaroa and back
Tramping to Brass Monkey Biv and Grand Duchess near Lewis Pass
Hokitika heliboating 2008 -- Toaroha, Whitcombe, Wanganui, Perth, Fox, Styx, Kakapotahi, Arahura and Hokitika
Christmas tramping in the Kahurangi and climbing at Golden Bay
Tramping on the Pfeifer tops in Arthur's Pass
Tramping from the Mingha to the Edwards valley via Lake Mavis
Paddling the Kakapotahi and Styx on the West Coast
Mountain biking the Queen Charlotte track
Sea paddling with Hector's Dolphins off Godley Head
Tramping to Hunts Creek Hut, via the Kelly range
Photos of Sea Paddling around Lyttleton Harbour, after giving up on Tramping near Lewis Pass
Photos of the Rangitata Gorge again, much better flow
Photos of a flood-run down the Ashley
Photos of Mountain Biking in the Port Hills
Photos of tramping around Mt Somers
Photos of mountain biking in on Worsley's track
Photos of mountain biking in the Port Hills and at Bottle Lake
Photos of mountain biking around Mt Oxford
Photos of the Cass-Lagoon circuit
Photos of a week tramping in the snow around Wanaka and Haast Pass
Photos of a weekend cycling to Cape Palliser on the South-East tip of North Island
Photos of a weekend tramping in the Tararuas with Rachel and Esther
Photos of a weekend tramping in Tongariro, climbing Ngauruhoe and Tongariro
Photos of a weekend tramping to Waiopehu hut in the Tararuas
Photos, trip report, travel tips, river notes and the route map from our cycle-touring holiday in China in 2006
Photos, river notes and the video from our paddling trip to India in 2005
Photos of our lovely new house in Palmerston North
Tramping in the Ruahines and Tararuas
Old paddling and holiday photos that used to be on my SRCF webspace
Hil's winter climbing photos and random paddling photos that used to be on her PWF webspace
There are lots more paddling photos on the Carlisle Canoe Club website and you can play Guess the River if you are bored.